Thursday, April 7, 2011


No you Philly fans, not those Eagles, these eagles...

Over the past two weeks I noticed many of my "Iowa" Facebook friends, posting links on the Eagles in Dacorah. I love Bald Eagles so I had to check it out. It is a 24/7 live link to a camera in an eagles nest. The nest is located in Decorah, a small town in North East Iowa. The Mom and Dad eagle have three little eaglets (or do you call them hatchlings). We love getting a glimpse of those little baby birds.
I showed Little Miss the eagle and she loved it. She also found a ton of other animal cams to follow.

I wish we had something like Red Rock nearby, so she could go to Eagle Days. In Pella (my hometown), the school kids are bussed out to Lake Red Rock, the large lake/nature preserve, just outside of town. They showed us live eagles and taught us everything we ever wanted to know about bald eagles.
On any given day in Iowa, you can take a drive out to the lake and see these beautiful creatures in the wild. Here, we have to take a trip to the zoo. That makes me so sad.
So if you love eagles like me, go check out this website
I promise you, your kids will love it! Even the little ones...

1 comment:

  1. Your girls are so cute! I wish you where closer! It would be great fun to hang out and see you and the girls! Miss You!
