We had to change our dinner plans for Friday because we were headed to a friends house to eat pizza on Sunday. So instead of the cute Mickey Pizza, we went with my usual standby of Tacos for dinner on Friday. Quick, easy, and everyone eats them.
Saturday, we were busy with girl scout cookie sales, and we had MJ's sister and brother in law over for my awesome Crab Bisque. So easy to make and so good. Seriously, make this on a cold day.
On Sunday, after Sunday School and more cookie selling, we went over to our friends house for some pizza and football. (She gave me her recipe for the dough, so I will share that soon.) The pizza was awesome, the football was not. I was pulling for the Bears and the Jets.
It was another sad day for this JETS fan.

Oh well. There is always next year right?
Yeah... always next year. Unfortunately, we say that every year for Chicago. Oh well...