Friday, February 4, 2011

Mom's note to peanut

Dear Peanut,
I love you more than you know. I treasure every snuggle, and each little pouty lipped kiss you give me, BUT.... could we do this after the sun comes up?
Thanks Baby. Mom loves you!

This one has been waking me up at 5:30 every morning. This is usually the same time MJ leaves for work. Which leaves this mom a little frazzled and tired . I prefer to sleep till 7.

Because of this 5:30 wake up hour I usually find her somewhere in the house like this
I guess I should wake her up, but this momma is tired!

1 comment:

  1. awww... that last picture is adorable. 5:30? I'm so NOT a morning person, so you get props from me.
